Petrochemical Leader Publishes Its Sustainability Report Online
Corporate Reporting, Website Design, ESG & Sustainability Reports

OBATA Successfully Produces and Publishes Chevron Phillips Chemical’s 2022 Sustainability Report and Microsite
Chevron Phillips Chemical
2022 Sustainability Report and Microsite
- Planning
- Copywriting
- Design & Production
- Responsive Microsite Design & Development
- Interactive PDF
- Infographics Design
It is common practice to publish and distribute sustainability reports as interactive PDFs.
For Chevron Phillips Chemical (CPChem), OBATA also crafted a mobile-optimized microsite. This forward-thinking approach ensures that the report is easily accessible and user-friendly for individuals on the go, thereby reaching a wider audience.
What is a microsite? A microsite is a specialized website that concentrates solely on a specific subject, usually related to niche content. It offers a more engaging and targeted experience for its visitors.
About Chevron Phillips Chemical
CPChem is a petrochemical company jointly owned by Chevron U.S.A. Inc. and Phillips 66 Company that serves industries including automotive, energy and chemical, food and agriculture, home electronics products, industrial, medical and pharmaceutical and even personal care and recreation products.
How We Helped CPChem
The CPChem sustainability report team enlisted OBATA’s corporate reporting experts to design and develop their 2022 sustainability report interactive PDF and microsite. The microsite shares the same information as CPChem’s sustainability report PDF document. In addition, the microsite showcased the company’s commitment to ESG and the progress CPChem made in 2022 toward its goals, including UNSDG (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).
Our design team helped CPChem with:
- Theme development for the report
- Copywriting and organization of content for the report
- Design concept and build of the 101-page report as an interactive PDF
- Responsive microsite design and development
- Inclusion of a content management system (CMS)
- Microsite content population
- URL research, domain setup, hosting and launch
Our Writing Team Brings Guidance and Perspective
Creating a sustainability report can be challenging, especially when it comes to writing the text. Individuals within a company may lack the necessary time and perspective. OBATA can help by providing copywriting services to pull together a cohesive narrative for the report.
- For example, OBATA helped CPChem by consolidating information from internal subject matter experts (SMEs) within the company and developing copy to be used throughout the report.
- CPChem also received assistance from OBATA writers in developing sustainability themes that aligned with the company’s environmental, social, and governance strategy. The 2022 report’s theme — “Positioned to Perform” — succinctly conveys the company’s sustainability strategy.

Our Design Process Aids In Achieving Client Consensus
OBATA’s core competency has always been rooted in exceptional design that communicates clearly, efficiently, and effectively. Our corporate reporting expertise gives our clients a clear advantage in creating sustainability or ESG reports that truly stand out.
- OBATA provided CPChem with design concepts that aligned with the company’s brand standards and guidelines.
- Several cover designs and interior page layouts were examined, each corresponding to its specific cover. The presentation showcased different page designs and grids, including divider pages, text pages, charts, graphs and navigation formats.
- These options helped CPChem’s sustainability team reach an agreement on how to organize and prioritize the content.
OBATA’s design team used input gathered from the initial presentation to refine and expand the chosen concept once the written content was completed.
- The sustainability report design included a summary of 2022 sustainability highlights as well as several visually-compelling infographics.
- The design of the report showcased community involvement stories, and employee resource groups, and presented data through callouts, tables and charts.
- The report, spanning 101 pages, contains tables on social, environmental, and financial performance. A complete Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) index is provided in the appendix.

Our UX and UI design strengths allowed our team to design the sustainability microsite for CPChem. Wireframes, mockups and prototypes were all essential components of UX design presentation. We used them to illustrate our ideas, review them with CPChem and gain approval before website development.
Our Microsite Design Provides a Dynamic, Focused Experience for Visitors
To showcase their progress in 2022, OBATA created a responsive microsite featuring all the data, case studies and highlights of their interactive PDF report in a dynamic format. Using a microsite in a company’s communication strategy allows individuals to interact with the report information online, including on mobile devices.
- The website design and development of the report began after a design consensus was reached on the PDF.
- OBATA researched domains for the microsite URL, assisted with website hosting, configuration and launch.
- Our development team implemented a content management system that both CPChem and our team were familiar with.
- Our design team created animated and dynamically generated data visualizations to enhance the visitor experience and engagement with the information-rich report.
- Our web team populated the content for the website after the completion of the PDF report, resulting in easier change management for the microsite report.
The benefits of the website’s CMS were two-fold:
- The CMS allows CPChem to modify content to the site as needed after it was launched.
- CPChem’s sustainability team now has increased flexibility to update data throughout the year, ensuring that they always have current information to to share with stakeholders that positively impact the environment and the company’s bottom line.
Demonstration of Dynamic Infographics
Pie Chart Example
Animated graphs can actually make complex information easier to understand. We used animations to direct your audience’s focus and draw their eyes to key points on a chart. Above our web team developed animated graphs to demonstrate how data can enhance interaction, and communicate data effectively.

The Advantages of Sustainability Reporting Online
At OBATA, we are often asked about how to communicate progress in sustainability reports. It’s essential to provide multiple channels for people to engage with your organization and stay updated on your sustainability objectives.
Sharing your sustainability report through an interactive PDF is essential, but why limit your audience?
- Presenting your company’s progress and goals on a webpage or microsite can have a greater impact and reach a wider audience.
- A website enhances transparency and makes report content more searchable through SEO.
- Animated and dynamic data visualizations provide a more engaging experience than static PDFs.
- A CMS component can be of added value and allow your team to make updates after the report has been published.
- Social media is also an effective way to stay connected with and reach your audience.
At OBATA, we take pride in our corporate reporting capabilities, which extend beyond sustainability reporting. Our expertise also includes annual reporting, proxy design and investor communications. We know it’s important to communicate a company’s values and achievements to stakeholders. We’re dedicated to helping our clients reach their reporting goals.
To find out how OBATA can help your company communicate its ESG initiatives and sustainability efforts, click the link below. We look forward to collaborating with you and helping you position your company as a leader in sustainability.